Light Shadows - JLL
Globe - Press/Poster/OOH
Cities - Press/Poster/OOH
Workspace - Press/Poster/OOH
Community - Press/Poster/OOH
Light Shadows - JLL
Light Shadows - JLL

As JLL look towards the future of Real Estate and what it now means in this ever changing world, we set out as a creative team to bring to life their brand promises and their ethos towards the future, in a way never seen before.

With people at the heart of it, we wanted to show how it is these people within businesses and their communities that will shape our future for a better world.

And so our human light shadows world was born.

Hero Film - Light Shadows
Globe - Press/Poster/OOH
Globe - Press/Poster/OOH
Cities - Press/Poster/OOH
Cities - Press/Poster/OOH
Workspace - Press/Poster/OOH
Workspace - Press/Poster/OOH
Community - Press/Poster/OOH
Community - Press/Poster/OOH
Social - Office
Social 2 - Skyline